
Newby Mac OS X GLUT Question..

Started by November 21, 2002 08:07 AM
-1 comments, last by winchymatt 22 years, 3 months ago
Hi, I just started looking into OpenGL programming on my MAC yesterday, and thought using GLUT would be a good place to start. i have built the demo projects on NeHe''s page using the GLUT Os X example and the basic triangle/square tutorial. Heres the problem, when I run the app. I see nothing but a white background window..?? It wasnt until I minimised the window down to the dock and recalled back again that the the triangle and square image appeared on the black background as I expected to see in the first place.? What am I doing wrong... Do I have to do something to tell the OS to refresh the window? I thought GLUT took care of this? Any help appreciated.. Cheers Matt

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