
Pixel Format Descriptor

Started by November 21, 2002 12:57 AM
3 comments, last by djdynamic 22 years, 3 months ago
What is the difference between cColorBits and cDepthBits of PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR Thanks.
Ok, so I think cColorBits is bits per pixel, and cDepthBits is for the Z buffer.... Can anyone confirm, and what value should I use for the Z buffer ? 24 ?
I got yer PFD swingin...

: )

From MSDN:

Specifies the depth of the depth (z-axis) buffer.

Specifies the number of color bitplanes in each color buffer. For RGBA pixel types, it is the size of the color buffer, excluding the alpha bitplanes. For color-index pixels, it is the size of the color-index buffer.
... and use a Z-depth of 32, typically.
Normally what you do is ask for the pixel format you''d like (e.g. 32bit colour and 32bit z buffer) and ChoosePixelFormat will pick the one it thinks is closest.

You''ll find that often the z buffer depth will be made to be 16bit if the colour depth is 16bit, and the z buffer made to 24 if the colour depth is 32bit (for cards that have 24+8bit depth+stencil buffers).

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