
Bandwidth limited sux

Started by November 18, 2002 08:58 PM
-1 comments, last by Kebab 22 years, 3 months ago
Ok. I''m getting sick of the free webspace scene not being upfront with me about the limitations of their accounts. My game was on freewebs, but I maxed out the bandwidth in a night. So now I have another free web space account thats supposedly unlimited bandwidth, lets hope they stick to the plan. Anyway, my game can be found on All screenshots and info are there. Soon there will be a single download link to the file, just need to get someone with broadband to upload the sucker for me (doing it as I type this) So any reviews, comments or job offers would be greatly appreciated. __________________________________________________________________________________________ So a degree isnt enough for the job, eh?? I need experience?? then give me a job.. whats that?? I need experience for the job?? Click, Bang!!! your dead.
__________________________________________________________________________________________So a degree isnt enough for the job, eh?? I need experience?? then give me a job.. whats that?? I need experience for the job?? Click, Bang!!! your dead.

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