quote: Andrew Russell [ways of entering turn based combat...] - Be in Player vs Player (PvP) mode and the second and third rules apply for anyone also in PvP mode. Anyone not in PvP mode can not be pulled into a PvP combat and no PvP damage will affect them. (PvP players can not turn off PvP in battle but can run as per the exiting turn based rules below. PvP can be turned off as soon as you are out of range so there will be no catching up to players once they exit turn based mode)
quote: Ryan "Run_The_Shadows" Personally, the only major thing I see wrong with that is a design quirk that irks me at the core. Pansies shouldn''t be allowed to play PvP. It''s just wrong. Either balls to the wall PvP it without going back, or don''t. I can''t say I agree with any design that allows a player to hack on another player, realize his lvl 12 mage just stabbed a lvl 50 knight, and run himself far enough away to go non-PvP and then taunt the knight invincibly. Should I ever make a game, if you click that "PvP" checkbox when you''re making your character, you had better damn well watch your back and not piss of the wrong people.
quote: Andrew Russell Okie dokie then, peraps the PvP thing needs some more thought. I had just added that in to clarify the PvPers going turn based. Perhaps some sort of item or enchantment gives you "Protection from Players" and you can get rid of it eaisly if you want, but it takes quite alot to get it back? I am not sure. Are you sure it is a good idea to make PvP permanent? Perhaps another thread?So, does anyone have any ideas about weather or not PvP should be a perminent thing, or if not how permanent should it be (eg: permanent while in combat or semi-permanent/hard to loose)
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