

Started by November 12, 2002 03:52 PM
7 comments, last by arkansas 22 years, 3 months ago
Hi I finished my game now. But it''s to damn slow. It doesn''t matter on what computer I play it - it''s still to slow. My friend got a GForce4 420 and it stocks like hell. Does somebody know some ways to speed things up?
there are many things that can make your game run slow.

can you tell us more about your game such as:

how many FPS?

how many polys?

how many textures?

whats the code for your rendering loop look like?

BTW the red book has a few points about speeding up code.

there are many things that can make your game run slow.

can you tell us more about your game such as:

how many FPS?

how many polys?

how many textures?

whats the code for your rendering loop look like?

BTW the red book has a few points about speeding up code.

If it is running slow on computers with high-end graphics cards, then your problem probably lies in the algorithms you have used rather than the graphics themselves.
Check that your algorithms (all algorithms, not just drawing ones) are all optimal, and ensure that the program is compiled as a release (optimal) version rather than a debug version.
Eg. If you need to search a lot, use optimal search strategies rather than a linear search. If you have loads of loops, then try to merge them into one (you want the compiler to generate as few jump statements as possible) etc. etc.
frustrum culling should help - - i was supprised how faster their demo app ran with culling enabled.

"Free advice is seldom cheap."
-- Rule of Acquisition #59
When I was writing my game, I had problems running it on anything below 1.4ghz (I''ve got 2ghz, so I didn''t notice initially). I was going for about 50fps. I switched to time-based movement, and all of a sudden I can run it on a p2 266 with a shit 4mb graphics card, and soon to try it on a p166. If you''re using frame-based movement, it''s worth a try. BTW, now my game''s giving me ~500 FPS.

Yes using time based is very important, frame based messes everything up on a diffrent computer...
Original post by skow
Yes using time based is very important, frame based messes everything up on a diffrent computer...

Just like I had headache playing Striker in 8Mhz PC I''d liked to have slower PC then...
Look at non gl code that executes every frame. That is likely to slow it down. Also, if you use complex models, you might want to use a simpler model depending on how far away it is.
-~-The Cow of Darkness-~-

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