Turn Based Combat [17/11 design posted]
Personally, I think a ''combat radius'' would work well.
Take every one of the fighters and measure x distance away from the other fighters, and whoever can manage a radius large enough to match or be further out than the other player''s radii, that''s the circle you''d use.
With testing, you''d need to check if it would be plausible to:
a)teleport non-combatant players to the nearest non-combat position
b)give a warning to everyone in the radius that combat will occur, leave within [x seconds] or prepare to fight.
-Ryan "Run_The_Shadows"
-The Navidson Record! The best film you''ll never see!
-Ryan "Run_The_Shadows"
-The Navidson Record! The best film you''ll never see!
OK, the design:
1 square = 1 meter
Distances are streight lines in the open (ignoring obsticles) or the shortest bendy distances when in dungeons/mazes. This prevents people from blocking off unrelated places.
Ways of entering turn based mode:
- Come within 10 squares of a (knowen) hostile creature you can get a warning about entering turn based mode and can click to enter turn basd immediatly.
- Come within 8 squares of a hostile creature and the creature can choose to enter you into turn based mode.
- Come within 6 squares of a (knowen) hostile creature and you enter turn based mode automaticly.
- Enter a "special" area of the map or near a special creature (that hasn''t pulled you into turn based using the above 3 rules). You get a message like "you feel a chill on your back" or "you think you hear something" or similar.
- The first 3 rules apply when coming near anyone in combat. Also in the open comming within 8, 6 or 4 squares respectivly of a line joining combatants will affect you as per the first three rules.
- Be in Player vs Player (PvP) mode and the second and third rules apply for anyone also in PvP mode. Anyone not in PvP mode can not be pulled into a PvP combat and no PvP damage will affect them. (PvP players can not turn off PvP in battle but can run as per the exiting turn based rules below. PvP can be turned off as soon as you are out of range so there will be no catching up to players once they exit turn based mode)
- Cause damage to any monster or have damage caused to you by a non-trap. Very long range weapons
Ways of exiting turn based mode:
- Turn based mode automaticly ends when more than 30 squares away from all other combatants.
- You can choose to end / leave the turn based battle when 20 or more squares away from any combatant.
- All hostiles are killed (or leave range as per rule one)
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Should I ever make a game, if you click that "PvP" checkbox when you''re making your character, you had better damn well watch your back and not piss of the wrong people.
-Ryan "Run_The_Shadows"
-The Navidson Record! The best film you''ll never see!
Perhaps some sort of item or enchantment gives you "Protection from Players" and you can get rid of it eaisly if you want, but it takes quite alot to get it back?
I am not sure. Are you sure it is a good idea to make PvP permanent?
Perhaps another thread?
*creates thread*
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Combat is divided into phases, each of which take 10 seconds or so. During a phase, all participants in the combat choose what they will be doing in the next phase. If they choose to attack, they choose who and how. If they choose to move, they choose where. If they choose to take some special action, such as cast a spell, they choose which action and what target. At the end of the 10 seconds, their actions are locked in and begin to resolve. The nifty part: as they are declaring actions, the actions they declared in the previous phase are resolving in real time. An outside viewer sees a continual stream of combat actions. The phases need not be synchronized - each combatant could have a different phase schedule, so long as each phase lasts the same amount of time.
The nifty thing about this system is that because phased time isn''t that much different from real time, it''s easy to transition between the two. A player''s phase timer begins the moment he enters combat. A player can make a "fair escape" when he declares a movement action to outside the radius of combat, and nobody else targets him during that movement.
The only problem is what to do with the initial "phase-in lag" - the first ten seconds of the combat where the player has not yet had a chance to declare actions. If a player is suddenly thrust into combat, because he wandered into the middle of a melee or because he was attacked without warning, he might be defenseless for ten seconds while he prepares his counter. I imagine there could be a default action set by the game or the player, dependent on the way combat was joined. That is, one could set up this scheme: when entering combat voluntarily, draw my sword and charge the nearest opponent, but when entering combat due to attack, draw sword and defend. If there''s a better solution, I would say go with that instead.
I don''t mean to derail your thread, but I just wanted to bring up another option to consider.
You can''t have "civilization" without "civil".
I am actualy leaning towards having every player announce their actions and then have the results play out. I am not so keen on having players choose their next actions _as_ the action plays out because that would be not benificial to laggy players. I will probably add a timeout of like 20 seconds and then perhaps have the AI take over probaly to defend - no attacking. This will prevent anyone being annoying.
As for the PvP thing, I am reluctant to have it permently on. I am still not sure of a good way to go around it, in the mean time keep the PvP dicussion to the other thread and if anyone pipes up with a good idea, or I come up with something I''ll talk about it later.
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