
Coldfire demo

Started by November 10, 2002 05:44 PM
3 comments, last by lc_overlord 22 years, 3 months ago
here is my new demo of my coldfire game engine. Can anybody point me to a tuturial on colition detection.
Well... it has the POTENTIAL to be good, can''t really say much just yet, all I see is a level loader and slightly screwed texture mapper (some of the textures are mapped incorrectly). Other than that... it runs fine on my box, p4 2ghz, 512MB DDR2100, GeForce 3 ti500. There''s a NeHe tut on collision detection, you might want to have a look at that.

Well to be correct, the level loader works just fine.
It''s the level that is screwed up, when you convert a .bsp file to a LWO(or any other format for that matter) the polygons get screwed up, i have been doing my best to fix the polygons, but it takes time.

The textures allso work just fine, but lightwave only maps one texture on one plane(at least in the lwo5 format im'' using), soon im begining to code a fix so i can combine several textures(with simmilar name) in one.
if your converting from bsp, it almsot looks like your having issues with the face type conversion (I''m assuming your rendering with a triangle list btw). Also make sure when you convert you still keep some way of doing visibility culling.. this is CRITICAL... quake vis ain''t perfect, but it''s still good, and can be optimized a lot.
1. the bsp decompiler i use sucks since i have to convet it to Wrl, then i have to convert it to LWO, lastly i convert it to the cfmd after a bit of editing in lightwave.

2. this is not really the level loader i would want, infact it''s the model loader im'' showing of here(allthough the model and level loader is really similar).

3. The final maps will be made explicitly in lightwave.

4. My greatest problem today is colition detection, it is in there bit it''s buggy like hell, but im'' getting there.

When i fix the colition detection i will post another demo.

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