
My floats Vars have the Value NAN

Started by November 09, 2002 05:53 AM
1 comment, last by glnefugio 22 years, 3 months ago
hi, My Vector class is like the one in OpenGL Game Programming Book. 3 Float Vars. IF all Vars (x,y,z) get all 0.0f the next compiler step all vars have the value nan! SO what can I do?? The vector is no pointer and the vars to! Do you have an idea!?
Then use very small, non zero values, instead of zero?
NaN (not a number) is the result of mathematically undefined operations such as 0/0, ∞-∞, ∞/∞

You are probably trying to normalise your vector - which ends up being a division of zero (coordinate) by zero (length) when all the coordinates are null.

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