

Started by November 06, 2002 09:27 AM
4 comments, last by ProfEich 22 years, 3 months ago
Hi! Well, I'm new using OpenGL and Visual C++. I want to play an MP3 file and maybe one or two WAVs at the same time. I would use the FMOD DLL. But I saw that this one is using DirectX. And OpenGL and DirectX in one project is bad. EDIT: I must be able to control the volume into my program! What can I do? Thanx for help Eich [edited by - ProfEich on November 6, 2002 10:32:28 AM]
You can use Fmod in your OpenGL application
What you shouldn''t do is mixing Direct3D or DirectDraw with OpenGL in one application. But DirectSound (as used by Fmod), DirectPlay and DirectInput should be no problem at all.
FMOD does not actually require DirectSound of any version. It can work on any machine that has a 16 bit sound card!
PM Times change... Excuse my poor english!
If you want to be brave then use openAL -
It does not support MP3:s off the shelf though.
Or try SDL (there are some mp3 decoding libs that work with SDL).
Thank you =)

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