
Need help with research report...

Started by November 03, 2002 10:51 PM
2 comments, last by Kusimi 22 years, 1 month ago
Hi, I have been a fan of the Gamedev community for a while now and just started using the forums. I am writing a research report on the video game industry, mainly Game Design and the Development process. If some members of the community could post and answer my questions, can be as brief or verbose as you want, it would be me greatly 1) What is your job position? 2) What is your understanding/expertise in the video game industry? 3) What would be your advice for someone that wants to enter the industry as a programmer or artist? 4) For the average video game development project, consisting of about 10-20 people, what would be your estimate on project expenses? 5) What is your opinion on the current state of the industry (or anything else you would like to add). Thanks again for your help
1. Lead Programmer of id Software.
2. I Am God.
3. Kneel before me, neophyte.
4. Much less than it takes to <a href="">Fly into space.</a>
5. Thou shalt have no other Carmacks before me.
You might also want to try the Gamasutra site( as well for a much more Game Industry view-point than the more strictly programmer type people you get here.
They have Post-mortems that profile once per month a game process including team size, tools used, and budget.

Developing a iso-tile 2D RPG with skills, weapons, and adventure. See my old Hex-Tile RPG GAME, character editor, diary, 3D Art resources at Check out my web-site
1) What is your job position?
that'' s the problem with your ''survey'': most people (not all; off course) are amateur and/or wanna-be (like me).

While(game.quality == good)
While(game.quality == good) play();

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