Lesson 31 first lesson to not compile
I''ve been going through each lesson in the NeHe Tutorials, and have had no problems until lesson 31, which deals with the Milkshape model importer.
I recieved the following errors, which may be caused by mssdk and STL Port being used as the default libraries...
c:\sierra\nehe\lesson31\milkshapemodel.cpp(117) : error C2039: ''nocreate'' : is not a member of ''basic_ios >''
c:\sierra\nehe\lesson31\milkshapemodel.cpp(117) : error C2065: ''nocreate'' : undeclared identifier
c:\sierra\nehe\lesson31\milkshapemodel.cpp(126) : error C2664: ''read'' : cannot convert parameter 1 from ''unsigned char *'' to ''char *''
Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast
Error executing cl.exe.
I have DirextX 8.0 SDK installed on my machine, along with STL Port (I forget which version) and service pack 5 for Visual C++.
mssdk has been set to the first entry in the library paths, for use with OGRE rendering engine (ogre.sourceforge.net). Typically, I have to include LIBCMT under settings-->link-->input-->[ignore libraries]. That, however, was not sufficient in this case.
Anyone else have this problem?
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