
Map Formats and Editors

Started by November 01, 2002 01:20 PM
4 comments, last by glnefugio 22 years, 4 months ago
I''d like do some sort of shooter game. I''ve decided to use the md3 Model Format, but what mao format?? BSP or the one from Unreal?? What Experiences do you have with one of the Formats??
I''m not really a mapper, but from coding point of view, I think the Q2/Q3 .MAP format would be easy. you''d just have to do Dynamic lighting and such.
Or just try open a bsp format (a *.map format for quake but compiled). If you want to make the maps try download Q3Radiant (its free). If you want to load that such of file, try They have tuts for that...

About unreal, the editor is the best, the compiler too, but I don''t know if that is prepared for another games...


Techno Grooves
Techno Grooves
I have my own map format called CFWO.

It''s simple and works for me.
It is allso based on lightwave:s lwo format so guess witch program i use for a editor.

You should choose the format that fit''s you the best.
if you have an good 3d editor you can probably write an plugin for it that can export your own map format.
i have done this in 3ds max, and there it works very well!!!
and if there is something that the editor doesnt support that
you want in your own format its easy to write helper plugins.
in this way you can have an "own" game editor envoriment that i very custom!


XL is comming soon @
I''m partial to VHE/Worldcraft myself, for map-editing; unfortunately it''s doesn''t support the features in Q3; only Q2/Half-life. Given that, I would go with what an above poster said and maybe use Q3Radiant as your editor and import that version of BSP.
Will Virtual World Tools rise from the ashes? Maybe...

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