
Copying text to array

Started by April 21, 2000 04:59 AM
-1 comments, last by Zombie 24 years, 8 months ago
I use the following code to copy 1 line of text file to 1 index of array.

Public Sub CopyFileToArray(zarray As Variant, filename As String, maxlines As Integer)
Dim LinesFromFile As String, NextLine As String

Open filename For Input As #1
  For xi = 1 To maxlines
   Line Input #1, NextLine
   LinesFromFile = LinesFromFile + NextLine + Chr(13) + Chr(10)
   zarray(xi) = NextLine
Close #1
End Sub
It needs to be updated like this: Before the array was like this- Array(1 to x) as string Now it''s like this- Array(1 to x,1 to y, 1 to z, 1 to a) as string I ''ve separated the information the program needs to get from text file with commas(,). Example, again- info1,info2,info3,info4 x y z a The sub needs to read the text that is separated by commas and write it to the array''s corresponding indices. How to do that? (Hope you got it, I''m not good to explain things as you can see )

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