
Newbie question, need help

Started by October 29, 2002 04:37 PM
1 comment, last by MikeyM 22 years, 4 months ago
Hi I am new to OpenGL and I''m fanscinated from it.I read all the tutorials, but I cannot find the answer to a certain porblem. I want to creat a shere on a certain point on a room without changing the cameras view and the other objects in my room. The aim is to have a function who would look like this: void CreateMySphere (int radius,int slices,int staks, float xpos, float ypos,float zpos) The function contains the glutWireSphere(GLdouble radius, GLint slices, GLint stacks); because the objects shall be shown as wired objects. Can anyone give me a hint how to create the sphere on a certain point without changing the view ? With best regards Mikey
Your question is very ambigous. From what I understand (I might be wrong, tho), you want to see/rotate the sphere, but without moving the camera.
This can be done like this:
//rotate, translate, whatever
Exactly. I tried it with the push/pop-Matrix and it worked perfectly...

Thank you for your help

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