openGL Programing book
Well i wanted to know if it brought DX 8.1 SDK ???????
You Must Free your Mind free your feeling
You Must Free your Mind free your feeling
ever herd of Dsound and Dinput
You Must Free your Mind free your feeling
ever herd of Dsound and Dinput
You Must Free your Mind free your feeling
You Must Free your Mind free your feeling
Direct X and Open Gl are seperate API''s
...Yes Direct X consists of several parts
Like Dsound and Dinput that can be used in your OpenGL programs...
Still what does and Open GL Book have to do with Direct X. If you want to learn how to do sound with Dsound you should look in a DirectX book. However there are other API''s that you can use for sound such as FMOD.
...Yes Direct X consists of several parts
Like Dsound and Dinput that can be used in your OpenGL programs...
Still what does and Open GL Book have to do with Direct X. If you want to learn how to do sound with Dsound you should look in a DirectX book. However there are other API''s that you can use for sound such as FMOD.
The OpenGL Game Programming Book does cover some aspects of DX, including DSound and DInput.
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