

Started by October 18, 2002 11:23 PM
17 comments, last by haxor-g0ld 22 years, 4 months ago
Original post by ZealousElixir
Why are we debating whether or not his lisense is legit?

Ummm...maybe because topics dealing with people's warez are supposed to be banned from the site?

EDIT: And maybe sometimes I just feel like being a dick

[edited by - wolfmanyoda on October 21, 2002 11:54:00 PM]
Yeah, the latter seems more accurate.


Or it could be the Maya Personal Learning Edition? Free download you know. It could be, maybe
AP--very good point, it may very well be the learning edition.

ZealousElixer--dude, don''t get your panties in a''s not like we''re making comments about your mom or anything or like that

Don''t be a pussy, beat your kids.
uhhh... ya i kinda got the free ware...just to try it out you know? Its very interesting and cool! can you guys help me wit the shading and colring question?
I found materials the hardest thing to grasp when I used maya, even with someone teaching me it was quite confusing.
I can only say that you''re unlikely to learn from a few hints in a post. I''d suggest you go and buy a maya book. Books always come in handy for reference anyway.

Original post by Wolfmanyoda
ZealousElixir--dude, don''t get your panties in a''s not like we''re making comments about your mom or anything or like that

Heh, I''m not mad; it''s just my job to make sure discussions about taboo don''t go unchecked, so I try to kill ''em off at the root. By the way, that last reply was outta line. My apologies.


//email me.//zealouselixir software.//msdn.//n00biez.//
miscellaneous links


Read the manual, it explain every single material type, and what they are use for, and etc.

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