
NeHe Moon Patrol...updates and help!!!!!!!!

Started by October 16, 2002 02:37 AM
2 comments, last by tylerbingham 22 years, 4 months ago
As much as I appreciate Jeff(Nehe) and all he has done for this project(70%-80% of it)and for the OpenGL community...I think he no longer wants to do this project we started (Moon Patrol). I am still working on it. I think it frustrated Jeff that I didn''t have as much time and knowledge as he did....and couldn''t spend the amount of time he did on it in the beginning of the project. This project means a lot to me. I still want to continue it...even if he does not(but I hope he does). I have tried to email him 3x this week with updates to the scrolling engine(very rough right now),but I have not heard back from him. I was just wondering if anyone would like to continue where NeHe and me left off. If Jeff(NeHe) doesn''t want to do this project anymore...maybe the source code can be put up on the Moon Patrol GL website I started and others can contribute(like the NeHe Zelda project),but only if Jeff approves(considering he did the bulk of the work) .
Try emailing him again, we were having problems with our internet connection for the past few days
He already posted the moon patrol stuff on his site.

Make it work.
Make it fast.

"I’m happy to share what I can, because I’m in it for the love of programming. The Ferraris are just gravy, honest!" --John Carmack: Forward to Graphics Programming Black Book
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Captain Jester : no you can''t download the source code on this page : you can only download the binaries. What tylerbingham is saying is that the source code may be available if it is the only way to continue the project.

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