help please!!
Help please!!
I was wondering if you(NeHe) could help me out with by creating a tutorial that can show us how to do this. I would love to learn how to play a mpeg that was made in 3D studio max 4, its and animation that has a name of a game flying on to the screen, in my game. You all know like on the playstation or any computer game that there are cut scenes that further explain a game. Take Silent Hill 2 for example, how it goes to an animation scene. Also if it could be in fullscreen. I have a game that i have made but it is in JAVA, I know JAVA right, and I would like to have my animation that i have created which is in avi format and have it open up first in fullscreen before the game begins. If you could help me out even thought it is in java. I would also like help with doing this in C also. I think your tutorials are awsome. Like maybe have a movie play then open a window in C. I would really appreciate your help!! Thanks
Sound like you''re talking about tutorial #35?
Or am I missing something
Or am I missing something
MSN: (not actual e-mail)ICQ: 26469254(my site)
Haven''t you looked at this?
Haven''t you looked at this?
www.FlegDev.tkJust code it!
If youre game is in java then why not play the movie in java? You can always just open a new window the size of the screen and then play an enlarged movie in it. Then close it based on a timer when it''s over.
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