Cut scenes in C and in JAVA
Help please!!
I was wondering if you(NeHe) could help me out with a tutorial. I would love to learn how to play a mpeg that was made in 3D studio max 4, its and animation that has a name of a game flying on to the screen, in my game. You all know like on the playstation or any computer game that there are cut scenes that further explain a game. Take Silent Hill 2 for example, how it goes to an animation scene. Also if it could be in fullscreen. I have a game that i have made but it is in JAVA, I know JAVA right, and I would like to have my animation that i have created which is in avi format and have it open up first in fullscreen before the game begins. If you could help me out even thought it is in java. I would also like help with doing this in C also. I think your tutorials are awsome. Like maybe have a movie play then open a window in C. I would really appreciate your help!! Thanks
There is an avi tutorial ... just convert the MPG to avi (I did avi with 3DSMAX although I didn`t needed the AVI TUTORIAL)...
OR :
Import the 3DS FIles from 3DSMaX , Take a 3ds Loader...Load the files... Make Camera Scipts(I did this...) and make the cutscene in`s not that hard....
P.S:The quality is better,and you won`t ocupy tha large space nedeed for an MPG
OR :
Import the 3DS FIles from 3DSMaX , Take a 3ds Loader...Load the files... Make Camera Scipts(I did this...) and make the cutscene in`s not that hard....
P.S:The quality is better,and you won`t ocupy tha large space nedeed for an MPG
Relative Games - My apps
or you can get the directx sdk and port the sample that plays video through directshow to gl.
cippyboy: how can converting from one lossy video format to another give you better quality?
cippyboy: how can converting from one lossy video format to another give you better quality?
cippyboy could you show me your''s as an example, the one where you imported the file. Also, niyaw can you point me in the right direction to these examples. Thanks.
please dude, learn how to _find_answers_
there are suggestions there now:
2 ways of doing it with an avi movie
1 way of doing it with a 3ds scene
now search those examples they suggested: one is on this page even! and dx is really not difficult to find as well. for the 3ds scene, search for .. uhm.. loading 3ds. tons of examples out there.
"take a look around" - limp bizkit
please dude, learn how to _find_answers_
there are suggestions there now:
2 ways of doing it with an avi movie
1 way of doing it with a 3ds scene
now search those examples they suggested: one is on this page even! and dx is really not difficult to find as well. for the 3ds scene, search for .. uhm.. loading 3ds. tons of examples out there.
"take a look around" - limp bizkit
If that's not the help you're after then you're going to have to explain the problem better than what you have. - joanusdmentia
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