
Looking for good books..

Started by October 11, 2002 06:17 AM
1 comment, last by Ooli69 22 years, 1 month ago
I know the basics about DirectX (6.0) and now I''m ready to study more game programming. Could you say which are the best books from ?
"Orienteers do it in the bush"
I see everyone ignored you so far.

I am assuming you know C++. If not, then you should get something like "Beginning Visual C++ 5.0" (or 6.0?) by Ivor Horton. I liked that book and it is good for reference.

It''s good that you got some experience with DirectX but version 6.0 is now outdated so there are a few things you are going to have to review. It''s no big deal though because DirectX 8.1 (the current version) seems much simpler than when I tried to learn version 7.0. DirectDraw was basically removed/merged into Direct3D so it is less confusing.

The two books I have gotten the most out of are "Multiplayer Game Programming" by Todd Baron and "Beginning Direct3D Game Programming" by Engel Geva. The first one was very good at explaining the different parts of DirectX and the second one was decent for explaining the common files application framework. So far I have only read the first half dozen chapters and the appendices of the second book. Both books are available on I bought them used but both were in perfect condition with CD''s in the back. Another excellent thing to read is the DirectX 8.1 SDK help for C++.
I recommend you check out this booklist I once made:
Jacob Marner, M.Sc.Console Programmer, Deadline Games

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