
other primitive shapes?

Started by October 07, 2002 04:05 PM
3 comments, last by pyro1245 22 years, 4 months ago
i know about GL_QUADS and GL_TRIANGLES and GL_LINES, but im curious if there is any other primitive shapes that can be drawn using glBegin(). can anyone give me a list of them and how to use them? thanks.
GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP and GL_TRIANGLE_FAN would be the two most important ones. May I suggest trying the MSDN libray (has docs for up to 1.1) and getting the Red Book (link on NeHe if i remember correctly).
GL_POLYGON: each call to glVertexX is a point on the polygon, until the next call of glEnd. I don''t know how it handles concave polygons, though...

Also, GL_LINE_LOOP is one that''s really rare, and it''s not technically a primitive.


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The first three vertices specified for GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP and GL_TRIANGLE_FAN create a triangle just like GL_TRIANGLES. However, after that, each new vertex will create a new triangle. It works a little something like this for GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP:

| /|
|/ |

and like this for GL_TRIANGLE_FAN:
\ | /|
\|/ |
|\ |
| \|

With GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, once the initial triangle is specified, the next vertex, and the last two vertices from the previous triangle, create the next triangle.

With GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, the first point is the center of the fan, and additional vertices will create a fan around this center point.

GL_QUAD_STRIP is similar to GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, but creates quads instead, and needs two new vertices to create the next quad, rather than only one.

GL_LINE_STRIP and GL_LINE_LOOP are pretty much the same thing. GL_LINE_STRIP will create a series of connected lines; each new vertex will create a new line segment. GL_LINE_LOOP does the same thing, but once all the vertices are processed, a line segment will connect the first and last vertex.

Hopefully, these explanations aren''t too confusing, and I don''t think I missed any. Your best bet would probably to just search around a bit on the web. I believe the OpenGL red book is available on-line. I don''t have the link, but it shouldn''t be too difficult to find with an appropriate search.
OpenGL does draw any polygon, but they garuntee only the result from the convex one

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