
hmmm, need sm ideas

Started by October 05, 2002 01:52 PM
4 comments, last by pagal2k2 22 years, 4 months ago
hi ppl, me new to OGL nd VC also. learning both rite now. but thr r some things that r bothering me, me workin on a project that requires high user interactivity. so i need all of controlls(radio buttons, sliders, status bars, combo boxes etc...). now i have 3 options 1: use VC(SDK)+OGL 2: use VC(MFC)+OGL 3: if GLUT provides all of these controlls(i dont think so) then GLUT+OGL(standard libs). so suggest me that wich one will be more affordable in terms of work to be done nd performance. Ahmed: having a mad soul...
Ahmed: having a mad soul...
<<-TAG: 3-D Architecture Guide (Sourceforge)->>
GLUT provided platform independent, not controls. It provides you will some event handling feature + menu. There''s a toolkit to draw controls called glut. The controls will be drawn in OpenGL and it binds with GLUT.
At first I programmed gaming stuff in MFC and it doesn''t work very well. Especially that OnIdle(); loop. So I do suggest WINAPI.
Have a look at for a tut on adding a ogl gui. Its delphi and opengl but the opengl should be the same
Imho it depends what is most important to you. Is it just a small personal hobby project? If you will have a large GUI maybe you shouldn''t write it all in Win-API. It will probably take a lot longer than using MFC. But if the OpenGL code is the most central part my suggestion is you use WIN-API.

I''ve never dome OpenGL in MFC so I don''t know about the performance issue.
"need sm ideas".

Well, there''s handcuffs... whips and chains... you could do the master/slave thing.

Oh wait, you''re just leaving out random vowels, sorry
It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.
=) Hehe, I thought the same thing. SM ideas, hmmm, let me see...

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