
MSVC++ 6.0 - Specific: Compiling my OpenGL Stuff

Started by October 03, 2002 09:48 AM
14 comments, last by spud 22 years, 4 months ago
And release your 3D filebrowser, dangit. Actually, I've been using Litestep as a shell replacement to explorer.exe for over a year now, and I love it. However, I still don't have any other file browser besides explorer.exe, which crashes way too much for my comfort. I just need a tiny filebrowser, not a complete shell replacement, to take the place of Windows explorer and purge my system of any nasty Windows GUI influences forever.

[edited by - spud on October 5, 2002 1:12:35 PM]
LOL... I know, I know

I''ve been getting so many emails hassling me about it since I put those screenshots up there

I shouldn''t really complain, it means people want to see it. As soon as I finish the little game project I''m on, I''ll port 3DShell to the latest incarnation of my engine. The codebase it''s running on is so hideous I daren''t even release an .exe...
[size="2"] code, art, life
Here''s why the one exe file size optimiztion works...


This option specifies the alignment of each section within the linear address space of the program. The number argument is in bytes and must be a power of two. The default is 4K. The linker issues a warning if the alignment produces an invalid image.

I''d be carefull if your getting a compiler error. You never know what might happen on someone elses computer.
------------------------------Piggies, I need more piggies![pig][pig][pig][pig][pig][pig]------------------------------Do not invoke the wrath of the Irken elite. [flaming]
but why are the .exe getting smaller with larger /ALIGN''s ? The default is 4k (=4096), the ''trick'' is setting it to 163xx. Is it simply because there are less sections?

Btw: nice trick anyway (thanks for showing it) got down a test .exe from 44k to 7k...
avianRR - Although it will always warn if you''re not building a VXD, I''ve tested on every service pack of everything since Win 95 and never had any problems.
code, pics, life
[size="2"] code, art, life
With the /MD linker options, don''t forget that the C runtime DLL(s) have to be installed on the target machine. Maybe not an issue with MSVCRT.dll, but not everyone has msvcr70.dll and msvcp70.dll.
"-1 x -1 = +1 is stupid and evil."-- Gene Ray

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