
Story for a FPS

Started by October 02, 2002 08:05 PM
22 comments, last by Zaku2 22 years, 2 months ago
I was bored today in math class so I started to think of what would it would be like if aliens tried to take over earth... Anyway, I came up with what I think is a pretty good concept for a first-person shooter. Aliens secretly invade earth and kidnap high ranking government officials from the US, Asia, and Europe and even get their greasy green tentacles on a few terrorists. They recieve information about weapons, bio-chemicals(or whatever their called) and secret technology of time travel, cyborgs, yadda yadda yadda. They use all this information and enslave Earth.(pretty original so far, huh?) But they didn''t ever think about Canada!(lol) Canada''s top scientists created a cyborg that would hopefully stall the aliens untill the rest of the world can build up an army or whatever to fight the aliens. I know its been done before... sorta... but what do you all think? this is what boredom does to me...
What in God's green earth made you move us to Utah?!
I thought that''s what happened, didn''t it?

Or don''t I get out often enough...

Actually, what if we didn''t KNOW they had taken over? You''re a cop or something and you accidentally uncover it somehow... and hitch a ride on a secret automated transport to discover more, maybe end up in outer space to find out everything there is to know, then you get back to earth and warn the authorities, THEN they build the cyborg.

"Brak.. ka... we have a security breach..."
"I think we can ... ka... handle one little cop..."

(Wait, that line sounds familiar...)
It's not what you're taught, it's what you learn.
why must i always use canada to come to the rescue? im not even from canada...
What in God's green earth made you move us to Utah?!
quote: Original post by Zaku2
why must i always use canada to come to the rescue? im not even from canada...

Because your cool...
"Everything has a reason."
Because everyone knows in the event of a *real* alien invasion, it will be up to Canada to save the world. In a strange twist of fate (a la ''Signs''), our scientist(s) will discover the aliens have a weakness for beer...but only beer with over a 4% alcohol content. The States (with its weak beer) will be over-run until Canada can get its beer cannon working properly...

Ugh. Time for more coffee.

The Idea Foundry
_________________________The Idea Foundry
hee hee
i am cool aren''t I? heh...
I think ill use these other ideas u guys posted...
heh... weakness to beer... poor
What in God's green earth made you move us to Utah?!
O, and if i do use your posts, ill give you all credit, but i doubt i will even make this a full story...
What in God's green earth made you move us to Utah?!
quote: Original post by Zaku2
why must i always use canada to come to the rescue? im not even from canada...

Maybe it''s because Canada has been preparing for war all this time. Like the quote from some god-awful John Candy movie goes: "Canada is preparing for war. Almost overnight they have moved over 90% of the population close to the US border..."

If at first you don''t succeed, call it version 1.0

SketchSoft | SketchNews

Please, it''s just doodle... bloody taken username =P
Note that with 90% of the population comes 90% of the beer.

The Idea Foundry
_________________________The Idea Foundry
Well with all this said the real question remains, What type of beer is most affective against the alien invaders? Labbat Blue or Molson Canadian? I guess you''d have to check the packaging for the alcohol rating

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