
Nehe, and your broken pump

Started by October 01, 2002 11:45 PM
11 comments, last by Famine 22 years, 4 months ago
Is it a submersible? How old is the pump? if it is, whats the depth the pump is set at? Are you sure its the pump, and not a stripped wire or something else? sometimes the pump will bounce around down there in the well as the pump turns on and off and over time it can skin a wire, causing a short, this is easy to fix. Make sure the pressure switch isnt just malfunctioning too. You might not have to pull and replace the entire pump, thats all i''m saying...
Oh yeah, give me the details, and I can help you diagnose it further...

Things like, the age of the pump, the setup of your system, is the pump submersible etc., what the symptoms are, i.e. does the pump kick on and off, is your water tank staying pressured, are your neighbors experiencing problems with their wells as well, how deep is the well?
I think you should email him because he doesn't check the forum as often as his mailbox.

(Edit: ooops I just read news from the NeHe Productions homepage. I think you can forget what I just written)

[edited by - vincoof on October 2, 2002 3:58:38 AM]
I think it might be an idea to postpone the contest until nehe has time. I *really* don't think that NeHe needs a contest to sort out at the moment :/.

Baldur K Coming soon
Talk to me on ETG: #opengl and #gametutorials.

[edited by - baldurk on October 2, 2002 3:48:58 PM]
Are you trying to get more time to finish your demo ?

I think that NeHe will cancel/move/shorten/whatever the demo if he think it has to be done. I''m pretty confident about it.
The dreaded pump from hell...

Unfortunately, I know nothing about this pump, aside from the following:

It''s About 3-4 feet tall, it''s got an electric motor on the top of it, a belt driving the gears. The gears are submerged in oil and it has a rod that goes into the ground

I have checked the tank pressure, it''s at 25lbs (not a problem), I have checked for leaks, and there are none. I have checked the oil and it''s clean and covering the gears. The gears are spinning, the motor is spinning. I can''t tell if the pump is pumping, although I''m going to assume it is, because I can hear it clang as it goes up and down. I will try to get a picture of it posted...

I''m sure it belongs in a museum. As for the depth, and "critical" information, I have no clue

I''m not sure it''s the pressure switch, it seems like the pump just isnt pumping fast enough. I can hear it go down, then I hear water go through the line, but it doesn''t sound like alot. It''s definitely not a wire. The pump does run... and it runs for a long time, probably because it''s building pressure.

If I turn on a tap, the water comes out fast UNTIL the pump comes on... then it just trickles out. Assuming that''s when the tank loses pressure and the pump comes on.

Pump only comes on when the tank loses pressure (tap on, toilet flush, shower, etc).
Sorry, just read the other posts in this thread... the contest is a go, and so that no one gets bitter or angry with me asking for some support, there will be a prize, and it will be a good prize.

My problems are numerous... everything from work, low pay, lots going on at once to family life, relationship, dad and his problems with the bank, etc...

I''ll get through, but it all has to be done in steps... to help my dad, I need money... to get money, I need to work OT, get another job, or sell everything I own.

On top of all that, the pump is really stressing me out, money is stressing me out, etc... Typical life stuff, but on a grand scale and all at once.

Just waiting for my roof to cave in or something.
Hope this works:

And Yes, it's as nasty as it looks!

[edited by - NeHe on October 3, 2002 11:46:38 PM]
Yikes!! That is an old one..

Ok, if you say that the pump is constantly kicking on and off, usually that is a pressure problem. It looks like you''ve had your tank replaced before, because its a half modern setup. Usually the tank pressure is set on a 40/60 switch, ie. when the tank pressure drops below 40, this should trigger the switch, and turn on the pump to get it back up to 60. So, 25 sounds pretty low and may be causing you the problems. I''ve seen this before. If the pump is running, and water is flowing, it shouldnt need to be replaced, and this is a cheap fix. It looks like you have 2 pressure switches though, one on your water tank, and one on the pump, or nitrogen tank or something(the damn ugly green thing)? Anyhow, your water tanks should usually be at 40/60 (from the looks of it it seems to be a regular sized tank)

Now, on the other hand (the bad news), if it is your pump that is crapping out, and its just not pummping as well and this is causing your pressure to build up so slow, this could be big trouble (I know you didnt want to hear that). This would require putting in an entire new pump (I''m guessing you figured that one out), which now days are submersible, which depending on the situation may need a new well drilled at around 10$ a foot give or take a few, plus the cost of the pump installation. Anyhow, honestly I was hoping I could help you more, but I think this is one of those where I need to be there to see it...

Good luck, everything will work out ok so dont worry!

Unfortunately, Its the second scenario... if it pumped only when the pump was on, I could live with that, but water only flows when the pump is off, and the air cylinder is pressurized. Once the pump starts, it''s not keeping the pressure and it''s just trickles out. I''m not sure what the green thing is, I guess I''m going to have to go back into the dungeon and have a look. As you can tell, it''s not a friendly room (2'' x 2'' ... ?).

So I''m going to assume the worst and guess that the pump is fubar. Odd though, because it is pumping, and it''s not going any slower, it spins at a pretty good speed...

Then again, I think a submersible would be nice... probably alot quieter? I just dread this question... how much does a new pump go for and what is the average depth of a well?

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