
starting artificial life

Started by September 30, 2002 06:56 AM
3 comments, last by Corvus 22 years, 1 month ago
Hey, I would like to know more about artificial life. What topics of AI are important for artificial life? Any good articles/links to start with?? Thanx +++ Corvus +++
+++ Corvus +++

Well, I''m certainly no expert, but I would imagine that on a basic level what you would be trying to do is emulate behaviour in your entities that resembles the definitions of life as closely as possible. i.e. Growth, Reproduction, etc etc. Then have a think about how exactly these mechanisms would operate in YOUR particular world...

I''m afraid I don''t have any code or even an article for you to look up, but as a starting point, that''s the way I would be thinking.

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Check out They have alot of stuff about AI. I never did any AI but I came several time to the site in my search for knowledge

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There is lots of information on AI topics. Try looking up something called Finite State Machines or FSM for short. These little guys are probebly the most likly building blocks to most AI programs. In short, a FSM is basicly a process of switching between states. Thick of FETs ( Field Effect Transistor ) in a way.

FSMs are realy cool to play with. One could think of there car as a FSM. Its first state is off ( hopefully ). Then when you insert you key in the ignition and turn, your car switches to a new state. The ON or running state. Your car key could be said to be the input varable. Turnning the ignition is cause a transaction; the process of switching between states. A FSM, as such like your car is also know as a deatermystic FSM. Witch means there is a input varable required prior to executing.

I just changes my majot at collage to a BS in Computer Science. My next semester I''m taking an AI class. I get to abuse the LEGO mind storms. So there is going to be alot of fun thangs to do with them. The bas thang is, the base models for them are $200. that because they come with a CPU.
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