So basically, wouldn't it be possible that within an update of ballX/Y, that one pixel that you are checking could overstep the line, thus, passing the collision detection area.
Would it be possible (definitely slower) to perhaps use glReadPixels using a larger area (i.e. glReadPixels(ballX-(radius/2), ballY+(radius/2), ballX+(radius/2)..) then looping through to check all of those pixels?
Also, would this 'color-collision' technique work at all under certain rotations of the scene? (i.e. when objects cover one another on the z-axis)
Personally, I think the maths technique is the way to go. I know you want to avoid it, but its not THAT hard. I was definitely no genius at linear algebra, but even I managed to create basic collision detection systems for 3D models. Believe me, if you pick up an old math textbook, its all there.
1. I'm not sure as to what was vincoof talking about.-
(my_integer = (int)my_float_value
All he's saying is that its basic C/C++ practice to cast values when assigning them to a different data type. It will get rid of all those annoying error messages.
[edited by - tuita on October 3, 2002 11:12:31 AM]