
Someone care to listen?

Started by September 25, 2002 03:24 PM
7 comments, last by Mulligan 22 years, 4 months ago
I''ve made a song, its not exactly good, but I''d like for some people to hear it and tell me what is good and whats bad. If interested in hearing my demo, post your email address, or email me at I''ll send you the mp3 (Its about 1.87Mb)
Go on .. send it over

Audio Artist
Groovy Audio - For Demos & Portfolio
Game Audio Professional
i would really love to hear it... but i cant recieve mail over 1 MB... hotmail...

if you could upload it to a site? you could use one of mine -
usname: dvorakchem
pw: //EDIT OUT - got the song

ill change the password in a week or so... (i dont really need the website, but i dont want it to get messed up too much)

just upload it to the main directory... either ill notice, or you could email me that your have put it up

if it takes too long, thats ok. i imagine you can find plenty of people without hotmail...


[edited by - geo_elementum on October 3, 2002 10:47:29 PM]
Mulligan, I''ll have a listen. Please send to
Geo, man, don''t post your password for everyone to see.. - or it may be someone else changing your password for you.

Looking for a music composer for your game? Go to my page to listen to samples of my orchestral pieces and find info on how to contact me.
***Symphonic Aria,specialising in music for games, multimedia productions and film. Listen to music samples on the website,
Original post by geo_elementum
if you could upload it to a site? you could use one of mine -
usname: dvorakchem
pw: pineappletree184

I couldn''t seem to connect to it, what is the ftp address?
sorry... i wasnt very specific!

i WISH you could connect to it like that. but alas, geocities decided to change it so you can only access it through

just go there and sign in with the username and password on the left side. then go to upload files, and just upload it!

thanks! (or, possibly, you''re welcome!)

reminds me of starcraft - and the n64 goldeneye

cool glisses/slides with the synth stuff.
i like the bass drum in the background.
the piano sounds great when it comes in with the low scalar stuff. nice rythyms in the beginning.

when the beat changes, the music gets a little less minor - a combination of the triplet rythym and the intervals (thirds? i dunno). i like the snare part, and how the music fades back into its original style.
whatever the effect is that comes in at this point is cool.

when the beat completely changes, a little less than halfway through - im a little surprised. kindof a strange beat, too.
of course, i like the bass coming in here - neat tone.

then the piano comes back in... cool use of the scale. followed by the triplet stuff... and back to the original. with some cool stuff added in. goldeneye again.

back to the triplet stuff (i dont know if its actually triplets, thats just what popped into my head).

like the chords here... cool bass, still. nearing the end.

cool - love the end effect (i dont have any idea what it is, but its cool)

ok - that was typed as i listened to it the first time.

now for summarizing...

i probably liked the original style the best. the triplet and break sections didnt seem to completely fit, especially at first... but as it faded back into the original pattern, it flowed very well.

the whole song seems to repeat itself after the break section... granted, with some differences. im going to guess that this is background game music! and the pseudo-repition would be just fine.


on the triplet section... maybe keep the sustained notes going, and create some dissonance over the whole line. maybe flat some of the notes, minorish. for the break... i dont know. its really pretty good, and its meant to be a sharp change. so, unless you want to play around with some less complex drum beats?, its good.

other stuff:

you might want to get the 'signs' soundtrack. or, just watch the movie. the close, three note chromatic stuff that happens in the opening credits, and every time something happens, might make a neat addition on top of what you have.

adding some higher pitched parts - interspersed - might have a positive effect. it might not - it might change the style too much. you could just play around with it to see what works well. i just hear some short, higher parts thrown in every now and then, as an effect.

on the third listen - i like the parts a lot more - the break doesnt seem so weird, but the triplet stuff still throws me off a little. especially when it hits the lower note and continues up, it seems a little too...? unfortunately, i cant think of what. but too happy... not happy, but like an overused, maybe even cliched lick in a jazz improv solo. yours isnt cliched, that just what it reminds me of - a minus to the piece as a whole.

overall? i really like it. really. you could keep it just the way it is and it would be great. i dont know how much of what ive said will be helpful - but i certainly hope ive helped some!


[edited by - geo_elementum on October 3, 2002 11:16:05 PM]
thanks a lot, very helpful!

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