
Where to get the latest OpenGL headers??

Started by September 24, 2002 07:50 AM
12 comments, last by Steve-B 22 years, 5 months ago
I hope this hasn''t been asked to many times before but where can i get the latest header/library files for OpenGL. I''ve tried but they don''t seem to have them. Is the latest version of OpenGL 1.3 or 1.4? Cheers.
What OS are you using ? Windows ? Linux ? IRIX ?
Also, what is your compiler ? Visual C++ ? Borland ? Dev-C++ ? GCC ?
I was also wondering the same thing. For myself I''m using windows and working in Cygwin using the g++ built in. Thanks
This comes up pretty often, actually. I just replied to a similar post here:


I''m using what most people are using for OpenGL. Windows (XP) and Visual C++ 6.
I''ve found the nVidia OpenGL SDK here:

Is this what I should be downloading to get the latest header files and libraries? Does anyone know what version of OpenGL this is? Why the hell is it so damn big? It''ll take me years to download that with my shit modem. I want to avoid downloading any Microsoft version of OpenGL if possible.
I''ve just downloaded it (hmmmm, fat pipes )

It contains a
- shaders, images, models and terrains
- documentation, FAQ, presentations and whitepapers
- utility libs and dlls used in their sample applications (no new opengl32.lib nor .dll)
- a bunch of headers (no gl.h, but an updated glext.h to bind the extensions (i.e. anything beyond 1.1))
- source code for their demos, utility libs and tools

Hope that helps (... deleting SDK ...)

Documents [ GDNet | MSDN | STL | OpenGL | Formats | RTFM | Asking Smart Questions ]
C++ Stuff [ MinGW | Loki | SDL | Boost. | STLport | FLTK | ACCU Recommended Books ]
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan
Cool thanks. Saved me a lot of hassle. I''m thinking that''s not quite what I''m looking for then. All I want is the raw updated .h and .lib (maybe.dll) files. I think Jeff (NeHe) should provide them on this website for nice easy access. Does anyone else think this is a good idea?
There is no such lib/dll/header that I am aware of. MS has stalled all its OpenGL development since ~1995 (down to lately threatening the OpenGL Architecture Review Board with patents on vertex/pixel shaders).

Though the drivers may support, say, OpenGL 1.3, the Windows library stubs do not. Period.

Documents [ GDNet | MSDN | STL | OpenGL | Formats | RTFM | Asking Smart Questions ]
C++ Stuff [ MinGW | Loki | SDL | Boost. | STLport | FLTK | ACCU Recommended Books ]
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan
Errmmm. I''m a bit confused now. How are you supposed to make use of the new features of OpenGL 1.4 if there are no new versions of the header files? Or is it just new extensions to OpenGL and the gl.h always remains the same? I did download a file called glext.h a couple of days ago which is full of new extensions for stuff like per-pixel lighting. Sorry if this sounds really newbie-ish.

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