Hi There! I have just registered and its nice to read such informative posts on the *beginners* forum. (y) Cheers to U guys for doing a great job and making this an intercative and information rich place!
Now for the real problem: I am new to DirectX (any version) and like a fool I purchased a book in the *teach yourself series* but unfortunately that''s for DirectX7...
(a) and it seems that there are many many changes between this and the new upgrade namely DirectX8! Is that correct?If so, can anyone give me good links to read about the differences so that I could code using DirectX7 for now and achieve the same results later on using the DirectX8 SDK? (Reply ASAP: It really is URGENT.. can''t emphasize that more

(b)Apart from the excellent tutorial at www.andypike.com/directx.. is there any other such online tutorial for a jump start?Also would it be correct to assume that Andy''s tutorial is one for starting with Direct3D(unlike books etc which start with DirectDraw as the foundation)?
I request you to reply with appropriate pointers(not the C++ Variety

) .Ist Aalmost a matter of life or death for me currently and any help is welcome.
In distress and urgent need of help,
He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever
He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever