File Formats for a FPS
What file format should I use for a first person shooter. Please help. I got 3DSMAX 3.0, and as some of you know, I tried that MAXSCRIPT on, and some of the numbers have a "-e007" prefix, which totaly messes them up. Now I need a way to know what vertices goto what Sector. I thought I could take all the polys in one sector(in 3dsMax) and name its object like Sector2. Then when Loading I could tell what sector it is(Im making a portal engine), and call a Portal, like Portal6, or whatever. Now does anyone know of any File Types suitable and any help Loading them in C or C++. I really gotta start working on this, I wrote that loading function for that MAXSCRIPT on and it didnt work with that -e007 thing, it would set the number to zero. PLEASE HELP, ANY THING, JUST POST SOMETHING PLEASE!!, Thankyou.
an easy one to start off with is the ASCII export in 3ds max. it''s pretty easy to understand, and allows you to insert comments anywhere you like, so in your engine you could have it scan for a commend like "Begin Sector 2", and then it knows what to load in for sector2
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