disabling monitor refresh rate?
Im wondering if there''s anyway I can disable the vertical frequency of a monitor?
As I understand, the vertical frequency limits the fps to the settings you are running. Ofcourse diffrent monitors have diffrent max values depending on resolution.
Is there a way to disable these limitations? Will things get wierd if I do so?
Perhaps I should get the supported values first and then set it to highest value possible?
Thanks for a great forum.
Assuming you''re under Windows:
Search around the forums about WGL_EXT_swap_control.
I''m sure it was discussed before (you can also search google) but you''ll need some understanding on extensions(check the tutorial for help). This can make your card ignore the vertical sync and skip over the limitation you mention.
Anyway, somewhere in your Advanced display properties there''s some option to disable v-sync. Mine (ATI) says Wait for vertical Sync under the OpenGL tab.
Try it and see for yourself if you like it or not. Your fps will be higher (probably) but there are some drawbacks that depend on your personal/application preference.
By the way: This option can probably be broken specially if you''re running under XP.
Good luck!
Search around the forums about WGL_EXT_swap_control.
I''m sure it was discussed before (you can also search google) but you''ll need some understanding on extensions(check the tutorial for help). This can make your card ignore the vertical sync and skip over the limitation you mention.
Anyway, somewhere in your Advanced display properties there''s some option to disable v-sync. Mine (ATI) says Wait for vertical Sync under the OpenGL tab.
Try it and see for yourself if you like it or not. Your fps will be higher (probably) but there are some drawbacks that depend on your personal/application preference.
By the way: This option can probably be broken specially if you''re running under XP.
Good luck!
Well, if you''r using GLFW I remember there''s function for that.
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You can use something like this (again, assuming you're on windows).
[edited by - lowlevel on September 23, 2002 9:44:13 AM]
[edited by - lowlevel on September 23, 2002 9:50:39 AM]
PFNWGLSWAPINTERVALFARPROC wglSwapIntervalEXT = NULL;BOOL useVSync(BOOL vsync){ // Decide whether vsync should be on or off const GLubyte *extensions = glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS); if( strstr((const char*)extensions, "WGL_EXT_swap_control") ) { wglSwapIntervalEXT = (PFNWGLSWAPINTERVALFARPROC)wglGetProcAddress( "wglSwapIntervalEXT" ); if( wglSwapIntervalEXT ) { wglSwapIntervalEXT((int)vsync); return TRUE; } } return FALSE;}
[edited by - lowlevel on September 23, 2002 9:44:13 AM]
[edited by - lowlevel on September 23, 2002 9:50:39 AM]
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