
Time to stop taking caffeine

Started by April 10, 2000 05:45 PM
22 comments, last by J2xC 24 years, 5 months ago
BTW! its better to drink coffe...than coke!!!....(for the white (coke =yellow?) ...things you have im your mouth..)
i know that boath changes the collor in the teeths but the coffe don makes any holes ....

Drink to much coffe/coke makes you fell just alike the

I am being serious! When my cup/bottle is empty, first thing I do is go get more. I swear...I am addicted. Hey...everyone has their caffine''s (one of) mine. And, yes, it''s caffine, not coffine.

P h a n t a s m
"Through dreams I control mankind."
Actually its proper name is one ever spells it like that tho

Cant stand the smell of coffe , Dew / coke Thats another issue </b>
I was influenced by the Ghetto you ruined.
If I don''t drink coffee or a coke in the morning, I''m dead in school, ''cause it doesn''t interest me.
Well, I don''t need caffeine at my computer, because I''m addicted to our project.

Charlie McSow /Paradigm Game Design
CharlieGame DesignerRarebyte
I can see why some of you drink lots of coffee. my suggestion is to try and get more sleep. i am not saying that it is wrong to drink coffee, but it is probably better in the long run if you don''t.

(dawns flame proof gear) Coffee is really just a bunch of burnt ground up beans. who wants to drink that?

- Moe -
I guess people drink burnt ground-up beans (which, I agree, is basically coffee) for the same reason they drink:

"Carbonated water, high frutcose corn syrup and/or sucrose, caramel color, phosphoric acid, natural flavors, caffeine"

I don't even know what half that crap is, anyway! BTW, that's Cherry Coke. I still tastes good. Same with coffee.

Oh, BTW, do we even have any idea what these "natural flavors" are?

P h a n t a s m
"Through dreams I control mankind."

Edited by - Phantasm on 4/12/00 5:42:18 PM
I hardly ever drink coffee/coke.

I like coffee (mega-strong black, no sugar), but I have enough hastle sleeping anyway.

I never program late at night, I just can't do it, nothing I write after 11pm ever works It is easier to wait until tomorrow to start something, than to start it late at night, and then have to debug it the next day, just to find that the whole program is fundamentally flawed.

Also, if I don't get over 7 hours sleep per night, I spend the next day wandering around in zombie mode, kind of like that stuff Jewelaye was saying I think (I didn't quite understand most of it)

Firahs: You really seem to like that protein stuff


"Who says computer games affect kids, imagine if PacMan affected us as kids, we'd all sit around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music....uh oh!"

Edited by - GEo on 4/13/00 5:17:06 AM
George. F"Who says computer games affect kids, imagine if PacMan affected us as kids, we'd all sit around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music....uh oh!"
Caffeine? try the caffeine pills(Pro Plus) if you do about 40 of them you get a small buzz. I also know someone who snorted a ground up coffee bean(don't try it). If you need to stay awake for a while the best thing is a gram or two of amphetamine - you'll be up for about 2 days but the week that follows is BAAD so you may need some more to help.

Also I once tried programming on shrooms but I didn't know about it for about two days when I found a twisted exe I wrote on my PC.

Also GEo you don't drink coke it goes up you nose.

//--- Created by Tom Oram ---

Edited by - xstreme2000 on 4/13/00 5:30:11 AM
GEo: thats because i know the metabolic process inside and out. Protein is necessary for the production of ATP (Adenesine Triphosphate) Which is pure energy. If you have more protein the body can produce more ATP, thus making you more energetic. I also reccomend Ginseng. Ginseng has been proven enough for me to use it. It seems to help with circulation in some way.

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