
How long you lot been programming?

Started by April 10, 2000 04:09 PM
23 comments, last by David Herod 24 years, 5 months ago
I started programming in late 1984. I made my first "game" in late 1985, at age 10. My first game was simply a circle that appeared and dissapeared on the left half of the screen. Your player was a ball on the right hand side that was controled by the joystick. When you clicked the mouse, it drew a line from your player to the left side of the screen. If the line hit the ball over there, the computer beeped and you got a point.

Ever since then, I''ve been stuck to any computer I touched. I started off with Basic, moved to Hypertalk, many different versions of basic for many different computers, programmable calculators, a programable lathe and mill for school, AutoLisp for AutoCADD, Pascal, C, C++, Assembly (68K ,x86, and two specific to games), SQL, Mumps, HTML, Java, and probably some others. All together I''ve counted about 30 different languages. (counting all the different variations of basic)

Do I remember them all? NO! The only one''s I''d be able to write a program from scratch right now are hypertalk, QBasic, VB, C++, 68K assembly, SQL, Mumps, HTML, and Java. Those are the only one''s I''ve used within the last year.

BTW: At school, I took a class in Spanish. Despite my best efforts to learn it, I failed half way through the class. I later found out that my mind is far more visual then audio. I did, however, learn signlanguage really fast.

E:cb woof!
E:cb woof!
I started learning QBasic and making games when I was 16. 4-5 months later I went to Visual Basic, and when I was 17 I learned Visual C++. But I used the MFC AppWizard and the GDI for graphics. From then til now (I''m nearly 20) I''ve been doing more and more. I''ve been using DirectX for the last year, and am just now starting D3D IM.

~CGameProgrammer( );

~CGameProgrammer( ); Developer Image Exchange -- New Features: Upload screenshots of your games (size is unlimited) and upload the game itself (up to 10MB). Free. No registration needed.
i've started QBasic with 8 years but stopped until 10 , when i learned VBasic.... at 11 i learned C++ which i LOVED in relation to vb , and learned game programming i'm 13 and i know some Dx , a bit of OpenGl and i'm trying to do a mix of everything (2d ,3d ,AI, phisics ,etc) in a simple program, just to see how good i am(not very good, not very bad)



Edited by - pavlo on 4/11/00 8:07:30 PM
"Your thoughts are the reality, the phisical side is the illusion"
Wow lots of you started programming when you were really young.

I started learning coding seriously when I was 17 with VB. Then at 18 I made my first DX game for my degree project.

Now I''ve moved back to VB to satisfy my curiosity of how well a game performs when fully made with VB. :D

ps. Don''t start a language war here!

-Now Working on Pokemon like Engine!
-Now Working on Pokemon like Engine!
I started coding my First BASIC programs at the age of 12. - 6 years ago...

Edited by - Melo on 4/12/00 5:42:25 AM

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