
c++ char data type

Started by September 17, 2002 09:04 AM
8 comments, last by dario_s 22 years, 5 months ago
Im wondering if there''s any way of adding two chars, like: char *one = "hello"; char *two = " !"; one = one + two; Which would result in that one = "hello !"... I know I can do that with strings, but that was not the question.
use STL string:

string str1="Hello";
string str2="!";
string str=str1+str2+" haha, it works";

RacingTreme - for fun multiplayer racing:
I just wrote I knew how to do it with strings... I cant use strings for this solution...

char *one = "hello";
char *two = "!";

char final[10]; // char array to store final string in

strcpy(final, one); // copy the first part of final string
strcat(final, two); // add on last part

one thing, u may have to include a header file, im not sure which one though
That seemed to work dude Tnx alot

Know of any other strcpy-style functions?
strcmp - compares strings.

strlen - returns the length of a string.
Just a little note... It''s safer to use the strn* functions because you specify the size to copy etc... Go to google and type "c reference" or something similar and you''ll find a handful of pages with complete c references. You said you were using c++ but the str and strn functions are primarily used in c (along with char*).

Here is and article about c string functions and how to avoid buffer overflows. You should check it out - it''s really good.

Hope this helps,
I''ve got a problem concerning char too. I thought i could post my querstion here, so i don''t create another thread with the same subject.

I am developing a console-chat application. When the user press down any key on the keyboard, the program shall read the keycode, and print it to screen. I use this code:


int inputChar;
static char sOutput[100];
char *sInput;

inputChar = getch();

sInput = (char*)inputChar;



inputChar get the keycode for the pressed key.
sInput = (char*)inputChar
is ment to convert the number in inputChar to into a character (for example, 65=A).

strcpy(Output,sInput) is made to copy he value of sInput into sOutput. doesnt work :/

Anyone knows why? Is sInput = A after
sInput = (char*)inputChar
? Or what is the problem?

Thanks in advance, i really need some help with this...
Try using this:

int inputChar;
static char sOutput[100];
char sInput[2];

inputChar = getch();

sInput[0] = (char)inputChar;
sInput[1] = 0;


When you use sInput = (char*)inputChar
sInput is not storing the value ''A'' or whatever value you entered, but a pointer to whatever is stored at a memory location of 65. Also you must pass null terminated strings to strcpy otherwise strcpy will not know when to stop copying.
Also I think you may want to use strcat instead of strcpy. strcpy will replace whatever is in sOutput, strcat will add to it.

Hope this helps.

The difference between us and a computer is that, the computer is blindingly stupid, but it is capable of being stupid many, many million times a second.
-Douglas Adams
The difference between us and a computer is that, the computer is blindingly stupid, but it is capable of being stupid many, many million times a second.-Douglas Adams
Thanks a lot! It works perfect now!

Yes, i know the diffrence between strcpy and strcat, i just used it to test if strcat() was the problem, as to say =)

Have a nice day.

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