

Started by September 17, 2002 05:35 AM
6 comments, last by Pillejunior 22 years, 5 months ago
In which program do you make your logo''s and is there an free downloadable program on the internet which i can use to make quick and nice logo''s thanx in advance
You best use a vector format, it''s good for enlarging, shrinking your logo, since the quality stays the same. For this you could use a tool such as Adobe Illustrator, or even Macromedia Flash. From the latter you can download an evaluation copy at

If you don''t want to use a vector program, you could use a program such as Paint Shop Pro (

From what i''ve seen of The Gimp it''s really worth the try...... and it''s free!

--------<a href=">Reverse Pop Culture
anymore programs you know that i can use to make logo''s.
Photoshop! jkeppens said it all actually and Illustrator is probably best for logo creation. But I find Photoshop to be more versatile. Unfortunately, they''re both not free.
Hm...MS Paint?
My compiler generates one error message: "does not compile."
Gimp is good ... but personally I use Photoshop because my friend had it laying around. And hey, free Photoshop.

[edited by - The Reindeer Effect on September 19, 2002 9:37:52 PM]
Nice logo.
But I have a dynamic one, do you?

Rate me up.

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