
please answer this

Started by September 16, 2002 08:45 PM
2 comments, last by XvDragonvX 22 years, 5 months ago
I have a question that deals with min. requirments for running the game. How do you guys determin this? Does how high the requirments will be depend on the computer that your designing it on, or the programs that your using to make the game? If you want to know why, I''m creating a game (shareware) and I want to know if the computer that your designing it on or the requirments for the programs matters, because the staff including me have a lot of complex ideas, and it takes 3d graphics to run it propertly.
-----------------------Is all that we see or seem But a dream within a dream?------Edgar Allan Poe
This looks more like a For Beginners topic, so I''ll move it there.

Just waiting for the mothership...
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
Minimum system requirements are usually decided based on the lowest system you''ll test the game on to see if it works. Typically that is the starting point.
For a commerical games (retail/shareware) companies normally pick ahead of time the minimum platform on which the game must run (and then develop the game with that in mind). This is based on what minimum of hardware they think the majority of their target (buying) audience will have when the game is released. For instance if you are developing a puzzle game you likely want to make your minimum target a P200 with no 3D acceleration, 2MB video card, 8X CD running Windows 95, since your target audience is likely not hardcore and in many cases are running on 4 or 5 year old machines. For more hardcore games (FPS, RTS) you can target newer machines, an FPS to be released a year and a half from now could target GF4 systems running at 1GHz.

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