
Fullscreen doesn't work

Started by September 15, 2002 10:25 AM
1 comment, last by Ilthigore 22 years, 5 months ago
I try running my programs using the Open-GL Basecode (not NeHe Basecode) in fullscreen and it says, "Cannot create GL Rendering Context." If I use the NeHe basecode it says "Error creating Window" and leaves the display mode on 640x480 when I return to the desktop. Any ideas as to how I can change the code (I''d prefer using the Open-GL basecode rather than the NeHe as my games are all written in it. Help would be great. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ilthigore <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
After a bit of experimenting I changed the "bits" parameter on "CreateGLWindow()" to 32 and it worked OK. Any ideas why???

when theres an error and the program closes right away, the destruction code doesnt execute, so your program wouldnt have a chance to return the display mode to default.

try setting up everything so that when theres an error, it calls the destruction function before quitting.


[edited by - tyro on September 21, 2002 10:38:11 PM]

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