
Need some help plz

Started by September 14, 2002 12:01 PM
1 comment, last by CN 22 years, 3 months ago
Well, I went to a college and took this course called "data structures". However the language that we will be programin in is java, which I never used before. The book that we are using is called ''Data structures and algorithms in Java", I went to and looked at reviews: 3 out of 4 reviews are saying that it''s a bad book, and the one rview that doesn''t say that it''s a bad book starts with a topic ''If you like mathematics" Well, I bought the book anyway, since we use it in class. The book is exactly what reviews said It doesn''t have much examples, and the author has a bad habit of puuting in example a lot of stuff that he never declears. And the examples aren''t good to begin with. Because of all of this I have a rather hard time understanding what the things are used for etc. Anyway, on to my point If anyone could tell me what would be a good book for a begginer in java( the one that explains things good and has a lot of good, easy to understand examples). Or if anyone could provide a link to a good java tutorial. Also if anyone could give me a link to a free java compiler, that would be awesome. Thanks in advance. PS: And yes, I did a search on google, and looked at about 10 sites. But they all tend to make a jump from "hello world" to stuff that I don''t understand
"If anyone could tell me what would be a good book for a begginer in java( the one that explains things good and has a lot of good, easy to understand examples). Or if anyone could provide a link to a good java tutorial.
Also if anyone could give me a link to a free java compiler, that would be awesome."

Sun's free SDK is avalible here. Look for version 1.4 for the most up to date version. Theres also some very good tutorials on the site as well, covering pretty much every topic. You also might want a free IDE.

"Java How to Program" by Deitel & Deteil is the book I learnt from. Pretty good overall, lots of good code examples (that actually compile!) and some interesting self test excersises.

[edited by - OrangyTang on September 14, 2002 1:34:34 PM]
This is fairly amusing. My first thought was "That was the book I used in my data structures course; surely it wasn''t that bad", but a search on Amazon revealed that there are two different books entitled ''Data Structures and Algorithms in Java'' and ''Data Structures & Algorithms in Java'', respectively ... the latter (by Robert Lafore) is what I used. I don''t know if it''s a great book, but it''s not bad, got good reviews, and ''&'' costs less than half of what ''and'' costs.

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