
Question about 16-bit high color mode macros

Started by September 13, 2002 11:21 AM
3 comments, last by Kaver 22 years, 3 months ago
I am just reading up on the 16 bit high-color mode macros and I dont understand a few things. They are: 1) In the macros themselves which read like this: #define _RGB16BIT555(r,g,b) ((b%32) + ((g%32) << 5) + ((r%32)<< 10)) (a)what is happening with b%32? (b)and with ((g%32) << 5) why is there an << operator there? 2) Also the author in the ebook that I have keeps refering to WORD in the macro but I don't see any WORD declared in the macro. Where is this WORD? The ebook that I have is "Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Guru's" by Andre LaMothe. Thanks [edited by - Kaver on September 13, 2002 12:24:24 PM]
When the world has got you down, that's when you strike back and show them who you really are.
% is the operator for calculating the division remainder (i''m not sure if thats how you say it in english
<< shifts some bytes
I explain it all in this thread.

Ok, lets see if I can answer some questions. As the AP said % is used to find the remainder when dividing two numbers. So in the example you provided b%32 will always return a number between 0 and 31 since any number divided by 32 will have a remainder between 0 and 31. If you dont believe me pick some numbers and divide them by 32 to see what happens.

<< is the left shift operator and is used for binary shifting. For example if I had this
num = 00001001 (9 for those of you who dont know binary)
num << 4 (shifts num 4 places to the left)
Num will now be 1001000

WORD is defined in some windows header file and is simply used as an easy way to define a 16 bit unsigned integer.

Hope all that helps some.
"Pfft, Facts! Facts can be used to prove anything!" -- Homer J. Simpson

Thank you for all your replies it has actually cleared up this macro a bit. I''ll play around with it until I get it. Again thanks for clearing it up.
When the world has got you down, that's when you strike back and show them who you really are.

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