Your post seemed to have confused many people into thinking you are trying to overwhelm the player with attribute (or other type of) information. What some don''t seem to understand is that there is internal complexity, and published complexity...
This is where my concern lays.
If a action that the player performs, such as attacking with a axe, generates "damage" in the range of 20 to 50 points depending on the internal formulas and such...then how is the player to interpret the "published" results?
The amount of "damage" could seem random...so why go through all the trouble of developing a complex system when a random number generator would work.
And if the intent is to get the player to realise that this "damage" can be variable depending on certain characteristics...then how is this to be "published", allowing the player to use the complex system to his advantage?
If all of this underlying complexity isn''t visable ("published") to the player, then he/she has no way to apprieciate it other then through trial and error experiments. This wouldn''t be a bad thing IF THE GAME DIDN''T REQUIRE THAT THE PLAYER FULLY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE INTERNAL COMPLEXITY TO COMPLETE THE GAME...that is to say that the game can be finnished if the player just assumes such things are random.
But if the player is expected to develop play stratigies basied on the internal complexities to complete the game then there should be some indication of situations in which the "variables" are in his/her favor.
For example...there are several short swords in the game...each uses a different set of complex rules governing its ability to dish out damage:
Now if the swords look and are named identicaly...how is the player to know that one sword works better if he/she eats lots of fruit...while another works better during sunrise/sunset?
If this componet of the game design is something that the player must take advantage of to complete the game. then can you see where players will get frustraited and quit playing...The game would even seem buggy to them...as each seemingly identical sword they use produces different results.
But on the other hand if each sword is named and/or looks differently so the player can tell them appart...then how many swords would you plan on includeing? ... At what point would the game become micro-management hell for the player, who carries around dozens of swords, swapping them out as the situation calls for? ...