
What is the artist/programmer ratio here?

Started by April 08, 2000 10:06 PM
13 comments, last by Nytegard 24 years, 5 months ago
I''m both. Although a lot of people love my art and ask me to draw pictures of them, etc. I think most of them would agree that programming is still my strong point. Whenever our head programmer here at work is showing someone around, he always has to point at me and say something like, "And here''s our super programmer, he can do anything" (how embarasing!) I think he says that because I wrote an editor for the language we program in that''s Windows based and does sytax coloring.

E:cb woof!
E:cb woof!
I do everything from scratch , sound effects , music , art , 3d modelling and of course the design and programming . I guess its because I cant find help in my hood . But then I never looked
I was influenced by the Ghetto you ruined.
I''m a programmer / artist "lone wolf" type myself. I favor C/C++ under DOS.
I can draw better than I can program, but then I only started programming April 1999, while I''ve been drawing as far back as I can remember.


Still, I can code pretty well. I''m teaching a friend of mine to program (he''s showing a lot of progress...), and he and I will be programming an RPG this summer (since he''s still a newbie, I''ll have to do most of the work).

- DarkMage139
- DarkMage139
Wow, that''s funny. I started learning to draw cartoon type characters in April 1999 but I''ve been programming since 1984.

E:cb woof!
E:cb woof!

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