
Other quadratics

Started by September 10, 2002 05:21 AM
4 comments, last by MircPopo 22 years, 5 months ago
is it possible to easily make a torus? (i am assuming this would be a quadratic object)
yes, it is. Think about it for a while and then make up an algo. It isn''t that hard at all.

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a torus isn''t a quadric, but a quartic (4th order)!
quiet! don't disturb my sleep. i'm in office right now.
probably be eaiser to construct manualy using trig, as opposed to quadratics.
The paremetrix equations for a torus are as follows:

x = (c + a cos(v))cos(u)y = (c + a cos(v))sin(u)z = a sin(v)u, v randge from 0 to 2Pi 

if c > a, the equations produce a standard ring torus/
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here's the website i was talking about

it was there yesterday anyway

[edited by - Zero_Streak on September 17, 2002 2:44:18 PM]

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