

Started by September 09, 2002 08:20 PM
6 comments, last by fretcode 22 years, 5 months ago
i am among the unfortunite(can''t spell) who can''t afford visual C++ so i am using a great development suit called dev cpp and i am having some trouble...... i want to complete the texture tutorial for opengl but when i goto run the program after i compiled it i get an error stating that it cannot find GLUAX.DLL there is no file any were i searched it all and when i downloaded the source and ran(not compiled) the exe that came with it, it ran can some one help me please. Thanx FretCode
Quick search on GoOgLe:

Put it to your windows system directory or to your project exe directory.

RacingTreme - for fun multiplayer racing:
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[edited by - stefu on September 9, 2002 12:38:31 AM]
thanx stefu i''ll try that
Don`t rely on the stupid glaux.h/glaux.dll lib ... it`s useless
use TGA texture loading... it`s better (+alpha channel for blend)

Relative Games - My apps

Btw. very good alternative to glaux or glut is GLFW.
It has very easy window initialization, TGA texture loading, it''s portable, free and can be statically linked.
Look at sample I posted here earlier:

RacingTreme - for fun multiplayer racing:
Coming soon...
I ran into trouble with Dev-C++ using it on top of Win98 !
It seems that my version can''t compile my project because
it uses mingw compiler through command line. The maximum
size of a command line in win98 is 256 characters (if i am
remembering it right). My project requires at this moment
~520 characters. I got errors (bad command or file name) but
i managed to fix it somehow using Dev-C++ under WinXP.
So watch out your maximum obj files (or libs) if you are using

Moromete: I don''t think the problem is with the command line length. I currently have a 900+ character command in a batch file that runs just fine under win98.

Original post by Enigma
Moromete: I don''t think the problem is with the command line length. I currently have a 900+ character command in a batch file that runs just fine under win98.

Then it seems that there is something wrong here, on my computer.
The compilation only works on the same version of Dev-C++ on the same
PC under WinXP. In Win98 i get errors. Maybe there is something
wrong with the latest Dev-C++ or with my computer (the second one i think
because last week one of my HDDs died And now maybe the next one
will have the same end soon...hope not though...)


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