
updated 3dWorld with human bots

Started by September 05, 2002 09:36 AM
13 comments, last by Sashka 22 years, 5 months ago
3dWorld I''ve added human bots to the world , tell me how it looks like. Any ideas about what bots should do are welcome...
what about attacking the player :]

[edited by - cANaBiTz on September 5, 2002 11:14:29 AM]
Attacking with what? I don''t want it to be a shooter, there are lots of those...
Very nice demo!

Make the bots chase you throu the world and if they catch you then you lose
It ran at 31 FPS on the machine I have here at work (WinXP, 800MHz, 256MB, some ATI Rage 3D card or something).
Obviously the people are simple, but I thought it was pretty cool to walk around in this world, jumping off balconies and into the fountain and in the pool. I wanted to ride the dolphins though!
-------------------------GBGames' Blog: An Indie Game Developer's Somewhat Interesting ThoughtsStaff Reviewer for Game Tunnel
Awesome job! I love the fact that the guy in the tux goes swimming in the pool :-P It ran at 61-2 fps on my Athlon 1800XP, 64M gf3, 512M sysram, Windows XP. I agree; tag with the bots would be fun and not too hard to do. But instead of losing when one gets you you could just run your chase algorithm in reverse and have them run away from you like in normal tag. Best of luck!
What do u mean by "tag"? I''ve never seen a game using this mode...
50fps on my P-2 voodoo 3,Windows 2000
20fps at fountain room.

Great job, needs some action though

Well, I''v got a frame rate of 50 on the game but 15-20 on the fontei room...My system is a PII400, TNT2 M64....

Try to create a bigger level width more detail and try do make a better fountain...You heve put a great amout of small particles that kills the frame rate and are hard to see
Make a fountain width bigger poligons and fewer particles

The speed of the man is very slow and the speed of the mouse is very hight. Try to put the side arows to strafe the man

ok, just options.....
Techno Grooves
Strafe controls are Q,E, you can run with Shift button down.
The fountain really needs some work, its eating my fps too.

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