
how to save/export a mesh from maya as .obj?

Started by September 03, 2002 03:14 AM
7 comments, last by mickey 22 years, 5 months ago
if so, where is it? please give details instructions. i''m sorry i don''t have maya, i''m just going to instruct this to another person whom i met online. Are all the texture coordinates/materials/etc., are all intact in a .obj? many thanks,
http://www.dualforcesolutions.comProfessional website designs and development, customized business systems, etc.,
It depend what options you turn on, when you export the obj. But the obj is ASCII so you can open it in text editor and see what it got.

i don't have maya so i don't understand what you're trying to say. Can you tell me directly(in steps plz) how to export/save the mesh to a .obj?


[edited by - mickey on September 3, 2002 7:43:04 AM]
http://www.dualforcesolutions.comProfessional website designs and development, customized business systems, etc.,
1. Load the Maya OBJ Plug-In, you can do this in plug-in manager.

2. After, that, just go to File section, and either export selected Mesh or the whole scene. You can check the option to choose what to put in there. And export away.
hey thanks a lot, it worked but now we have a new problem.

ehm, the 3d model is made up using nurbs (i don''t know what is this), and when he is abuot to export it to a .obj, it says that the nurbs wouldn''t be exported..? what does that mean? will i be able to use this kind of method still?

export 3d model from maya as .obj
load .ojb in milkshape
export as .x

btw, what are nurbs anyways?

many thanks,
http://www.dualforcesolutions.comProfessional website designs and development, customized business systems, etc.,
NURBS, I think it stands for Non Uniform Rational B-Spline, or something like that can''t remember, its basically a polynomial of order x (normally 3) representing line.

Well you would just get line if you model in nurbs. Normally after you model in nurbs, you would apply surfaces/patches to it. Once you do that, you apply the tesselation you want to the surface, than just convert the surface into polygon or triangle or quad. I think its in edit menu, or just check the manual.

Than export away in obj.

If you are doing games, do it in polygon, since nurb has the tendency to give a high polygon count for your object.
ah, alright thanks for your time,
http://www.dualforcesolutions.comProfessional website designs and development, customized business systems, etc.,
Original post by Monochrome
Well you would just get line if you model in nurbs. Normally after you model in nurbs, you would apply surfaces/patches to it. Once you do that, you apply the tesselation you want to the surface, than just convert the surface into polygon or triangle or quad. I think its in edit menu, or just check the manual.

hiya, did you just mean that, by doing this, i can convert models built using nurbs in Maya into polygons instead? i''m sorry like i said, i don''t have maya so am just going to refer this to my modeler,


http://www.dualforcesolutions.comProfessional website designs and development, customized business systems, etc.,
Yes, in Maya you can convert Nurbs patches (surfaces) into polygons, either in quads or tri. But not Nurbs it self, since Nurbs is just line in space. So make sure you apply some surfaces to your Nurbs.

Also you can''t convert polygons back into Nurbs. Just a word of warning.

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