
A new Project( "River Raid" or "Moon Patrol")

Started by August 31, 2002 11:58 PM
3 comments, last by tylerbingham 22 years, 5 months ago
I was thinking of doing a couple of old Atari classics and was wondering if anyone wanted to help me. I am gonna code in OpenGL using the NeHe base code and use DirectSound for the sound and use DirectInput for the joystick coding. I have a few ideas mapped out so far(coding wise)....but I am gonna need lots of help with coding and checking code. I think that River Raid will be easier, but I love Moon Patrol. Moon Patrol has so many more things to deal with coding wise......7800 was a lot more advance than the 2600. I have began the planning for both projects..but the coding is very minimal. If anyone wants to help out(EVEN YOU NeHE!!)let me know. Tyler Bingham
You may want to be careful, Atari is known to sue over copyright on their atari classics..

So a degree isnt enough for the job, eh?? I need experience?? then give me a job.. whats that?? I need experience for the job?? Click, Bang!!! your dead.
__________________________________________________________________________________________So a degree isnt enough for the job, eh?? I need experience?? then give me a job.. whats that?? I need experience for the job?? Click, Bang!!! your dead.
How bout I call it a "simulation" of a classic.....we will call it "Pond Raid" and "Satellite Patrol"
Moon Patrol would be very cool! As you all know, I''m a HUGE Atari fan and moon patrol was one of the games I enjoyed quite a bit.

If you''re interested in help, let me know what you need.
I am gonna start mapping out the basics. First thing I have to do is get everything in order. I have been playing Moon Patrol and taking note of everything,but my notes are EXTREMELY disorganized now. Once all is in order, I''d love the help. I am for sure going to need some help with the Sprites. I think once I get all my notes in order I am going to start off by building a level editor so the code is easier to work with. If anyone has suggestions let me know. And if anyone has any ideas for building the Moon Patrol level editor I(we) will be using to generate the levels let me know.Thanx everyone.

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