
Lesson 6, And some wonderful Errors.

Started by August 31, 2002 01:33 AM
2 comments, last by Some_Other_Guy 22 years, 5 months ago
Hey Everyone. I''ve been going through the lessons Using the Visual C++ code in my Borland Builder 5. and has been great upto Lesson 6 in the OpenGL tutorials. but in trying to compile the givin source I recevied this error. [Linker Error] Unresolved external ''auxDIBImageLoadA'' referenced from C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\ADMINISTRATOR\DESKTOP\LESSON06\LESSON06\LESSON6.OBJ this could very well be my borland compilier complaining about it being Visual C++, but being I have not had a problem yet, I thought the possibility of a coding mistake on the webpage any one else experiance this, or any comments twards this. feed back would be great -NL
i have made all the lesson from 1 to 10 now and not a single problem, maybe you should consider 1.downloading the borland source code or 2.get Visual C++ compiler
Usually the problem with lesson 6 is that people don''t realize that you need to include the glaux library when compiling. I don''t know whether you''re using the Borland IDE or the command line compiler, but with the command line compiler you would need to do:

bcc32 -W lesson06.cpp glaux.lib

in the IDE you''ll need to include the library somewhere, but I haven''t a clue where.

For some reason the Borland compiler can link to gl and glu automatically, but other libraries you have to link explicitly.

Hope this helps,

Hopefully once I have some free time to finish up the rewrite of the first group of tuts, GLaux will be a thing of the past.

Until then, thanks to everyone helping out in the forum, much appreciated!

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