
Book suggestions

Started by August 26, 2002 09:04 AM
1 comment, last by Methisto 22 years, 6 months ago
I already have C++ Primer Plus and I want to buy some other good C++ books. After a small research over the net I found 2 books: “Accelerated C++: Practical Programming by Example” and “Essential C++”. I think that they are good books, but what is your suggestion? If you don’t like them, can you suggest me some other small books? (550 pages max please; I already have a big book) I want also to buy some other books that will help me improve my coding skills and my coding habits. I know that practice is the key, but I think books may help me. I want to be a professional programmer and maybe a game programmer. I currently study mathematics in Greece and maybe I do some postgraduate studies in Computer Science. Anyway after a small research over the net I found that Software Engineering books are really useful. “Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction” and “Rapid Development: Taming Wild Software Schedules” are some books that I have in mind, but I really don’t have a clue about them. My local bookstore doesn’t have so many books so I need your option. I want to say that I know qbasic, visual basic and I have one year C/C++ experience. So can you suggest me some books or I should increase my C/C++ experience first? I probable buy one book, so tell me few books and suggest me witch is the best for me. Thanks.
I haven''t read Code Complete fully yet, but it seems like an excellent book - and as the title suggests, it''s more software construction than software engineering. In terms of C++, you probably know enough by now that the best way to learn more would be by hands-on experience - write some apps/games.
Thanks NeverSayDie for your post!
But I need more replies please, before I make my final decision.


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