
rotations for my ship

Started by August 25, 2002 10:50 PM
0 comments, last by Dean Johnson 22 years, 6 months ago
Can someone PLEASE help me with this it has put major headache after headache in my head. My problem is that I am working on making my rotations for my ship. I have learned the type of rotation I am using is called Euler rotations. I found the major problem with them not having an effect on the axis. With my ship I need the roll and pitch to effect the other axis. Does anyone have any code or link to code or tutorial that shows a proper way to do rotations for ships? I am using DirectX and an article using DirectX is preferred. Thanks for ANY help
I''m not sure but there may be an item on one of the gamedev sites (I think it''s called 3D programming) which covers DX. If not then I don''t know but you could try messing around with sin() cos() and tan(). Try to familiarize yourself with what these trig functions can do.

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